• 04/03/2025


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  • Damien Rice’s dream to sail Italy and Spain on an old wooden sailboat is taking shape

Damien Rice’s dream to sail Italy and Spain on an old wooden sailboat is taking shape

Damien Rice’s long lasting dream to go on tour reaching every location, concert by concert, sailing on an old wooden…

Amnesty’s 9th Human Rights Award goes to Nadeem Centre in Egypt. Damien Rice and Cantus Domus performed in Berlin at the ceremony

Amnesty International Germany honors the Nadeem Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture in Cairo for its…

Berlino: Amnesty International premia il Nadeem Centre per la lotta contro le torture in Egitto. Tra gli ospiti Damien Rice e Cantus Domus

read it in English here: http://www.riocarnivalfanzine.com/wordpress/amnestys-9th-human-rights-award-goes-to-nadeem-centre-in-egypt-damien-rice-and-cantus-domus-performed-in-berlin-at-the-ceremony/ Amnesty International Germania ha onorato il Nadeem Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of…

Damien Rice ed il suo sogno del tour in barca a vela. Tre date confermate in Italia

read it in English here: http://www.riocarnivalfanzine.com/wordpress/damien-rices-dream-to-sail-italy-and-spain-on-a-old-wooden-sailboat-is-taking-shape/ Damien Rice aveva da tempo un sogno, quello di fare un tour facendo tappa…

Damien Rice performed in Paris for Amnesty International

A tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt was arranged by Bill Shipsey, a human rights activist, lifelong member of Amnesty International and…